Could the noosphere become a new philosophy for the digital age?

With the rapid development of technology, humanity needs concepts that can ensure harmony between progress and nature conservation. The idea of the noosphere, proposed by Vladimir Vernadsky, is gaining new meaning in the digital age. This concept offers a synthesis of science, ethics and ecology as a basis for sustainable development. Artificial intelligence, quantum computing and big data can become tools for implementing the ideas of noospheric development if they are applied with an understanding of collective responsibility. In the digital age, the noosphere can become a philosophy that harmonises the interests of humanity and the planet.
Thus, with this approach, technology becomes not an end in itself, but a tool for harmonising the interaction between society and nature. For example, the development of smart cities that use digital tools to optimise energy consumption, transport or waste management shows how the ideas of the noosphere can influence modern urbanism. In such cities, the priority is not only convenience but also environmental sustainability.
The digital age also creates a platform for the realisation of collective intelligence, which is one of the key ideas of the noosphere. Thanks to global networks, billions of people can exchange ideas and join forces to solve global problems. This brings humanity closer to realising the concept of the noosphere, where knowledge and thought become the driving force of development.
Thus, digitalisation is contributing to a rethinking of the very notion of progress, which has long been associated only with economic growth and technological achievements. The noosphere offers a vision of progress as harmonious development that combines technological, social and environmental dimensions. It focuses humanity on long-term goals, including the preservation of natural resources, the reduction of inequality, and the formation of sustainable models of coexistence. In the digital era, this means implementing strategies where technologies work not to deplete resources, but to use them rationally and restore them.