ХХІІ International scientific and technical conference «Heavy engineering. Problems and prospects of development»
Donbas State Machine Building Academy
72 Akademichna St., Kramatorsk, 84313
tel.: +380505653612
e-mail: wasilchenko.ua@gmail.com e-mail: mntk.ddma@gmail.com
Professor Yana Vasylchenko
м. Kramatorsk - Ternopil 28 May - 1 June
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Donetsk Scientific Centre of the National Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine ‘George ultraturn MC’ Kreuztal (Germany)
‘Gertner (Germany - Austria) Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg (Germany)
Bulgarian Institute of Metrology and Standardisation
Gdańsk University of Technology (Poland)