ХІV International Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Adaptive Capabilities of Children and Youth’
State Institution ‘South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University
Educational and Research Institute of Physical Culture, Sports and Rehabilitation,
Department of Biology and Health Care, Odesa,
71, Staroportofrankivska St., responsible person:
Prof. Bosenko Anatolii Ivanovych, tel.: 067-480-29-26,
e-mail: Dep.Bioz@pdpu.edu.ua bioz.odessa@ukr.net
м. Odesa, 19-20 September 2024.
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;
SSI ‘Institute of Modernisation of Education Content’;
National Institution ‘Chernihiv Collegium named after Taras Shevchenko’;
State University of Physical Education and Sports (Chisinau, Republic of Moldova);
Uniwersytet Szczeciński (Szczecin, Poland);
Professional Association of kinetotherapists and manual therapists ‘Medkinetica’ (Chisinau, Republic of Moldova);
Ecological University of Bucharest faculty of Physical Education