III International Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Business Transformation for a Sustainable Future: Research, Digitalisation and Innovation’

Ternopil National Technical University named after I. Puluj Tsikh G.V.
(0352) 51-97-18
Ternopil14 November 2024
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Ivan Puluj Ternopil National Technical University
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine)
University of Tuzla (Herzegovina) István Széchenyi University (Hungary)
Opole University of Technology (Poland) Wroclaw University of Economics (Poland)
University of Applied Sciences in Nysa (Republic of Poland) Dunarea de Jos University of Galati (Romania) Galati (Romania)
Vishwanath Karad University for World Peace (India) University of Patna University (India)

We have united to prove that the connection exists and that the world is based on "Homo sapiens"

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