International Scientific Conference ‘Harmonisation of Contractual Law of Ukraine with the Law of the European Union’ XIX International Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Technical Progress in IPR’
State Biotechnological University
61002, Kharkiv, Ukraine,
44 Alchevskikh St. Responsible persons:
Antoshchenkov Roman Viktorovych,
PhD, prof,
tel.: +380666059547
Galich Ivan V., PhD in Engineering, Assoc.
tel.: +38097850-36-82
м. Kharkiv, May 2024
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine SSI ‘Institute for Modernisation of Education Content’
Baja California Autonomous University Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies University of Agriculture in Krakow
Institute of Mechanics and Automation of Agricultural Production NAAS of Ukraine (Kyiv region) National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv)
Sumy National Agrarian University Lviv National University of Life and Environmental Sciences