Values in the Modern World: Theoretical Analysis and Practical Experience

Values in the Modern World: Theoretical Analysis and Practical Experience.
Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, responsible for the event:  Morska Nataliia L., PhD,
Associate Professor, 46027, Ternopil, M. Kryvonos str. 2,
Ternopil, 17-18 May 2024
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University
Uniwersytet Humanistyczno- Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza w Czᶒstochowie
Wyższa Szkoła Lingvistyczna w Poland)
Istanbul Foundation for Science and Culture (Turkey) Ostrava University (Czech Republic)

We have united to prove that the connection exists and that the world is based on "Homo sapiens"

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