X International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Linguistic Paradigms"
Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages
SHEI Donbas State Pedagogical University Legal address:
84511, Donetsk region,
м. Bakhmut, 24 V. Pershina St. Actual address:
72 Gagarina Ave. 49010, Dnipro, Ukraine Responsible person:
PhD in Philology, Assoc.
Sukhovetska L.V.
Tel.: +380509432258
e-mail: suhlv1974@gmail.com
м. Dnipro, 19 April 2024
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
State Institution "Institute of Modernisation of Education Content",
Kharkiv National Pedagogical University
H.S. Skovoroda National Pedagogical University,
Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic),
University of Tartu (Tartu, Estonia),
Molloy University (New York, USA)