Innovative Model of a Digital University

Magazine Name

3rd International Conference. The Teaching, Learning, Medical and Psychological Support as Challenges of 21st Century: Preschool, Secondary, Extracurricular, Vocational, Higher and Postgraduate Education (No. 31es1), Warsaw, Poland. East European Association of Scientists.




August 30, 2024


Bobro Natalia



The article explores the concept of a digital university as an innovative model within the education system, integrating the latest technologies to automate educational and administrative processes. The digital university provides personalization of educational trajectories, enhances the quality of education through artificial intelligence, and provides access to education for students from all over the world. The model incorporates the use of cloud platforms, virtual teachers, mobile applications, and cybersecurity systems, which together foster the development of specialists capable of thriving in the digital economy. It is noted that the digital university model is envisioned as an innovative ecosystem of life-long learning, ensuring continuous access to educational resources through modern digital technologies. The development and implementation of this model are expected to contribute to the formation of highly qualified professionals who can work effectively in the digital economy.




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