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The article examines the institutional factors that influence the academic entrepreneurship development in the context of university digitalization. It is determined that modern universities in the context of economic globalization and digital technologies should adapt their strategies to form an entrepreneurial culture, develop innovations and support startups. The key institutional elements, including both formal and informal factors that determine the success of an entrepreneurial university, are analyzed. Formal factors, such as organizational structure, university leadership, entrepreneurship-oriented programs, and digital platforms to support innovative activities, are an integral part of the institutional transformation of higher education. At the same time, informal factors, such as attitudes to entrepreneurship, culture of innovation, and role models among teachers and students, create a favorable environment for the academic entrepreneurship development. In particular, the influence of D. North's institutional theory on the formation of effective strategies for the development of entrepreneurial universities, as well as the concept implementation of the “triple helix” of innovation proposed by H. Etzkowitz is studied. The importance of cooperation between universities, business and governments to create a favorable environment for entrepreneurship and technological innovation is emphasized. In particular, attention is focused on the need to create and develop digital platforms and startup ecosystems that can become centers of innova- tive activity and entrepreneurship. The analysis of theoretical models of entrepreneurial universities, in particular the researches of B. R. Clark and S. Miller, allows to draw conclusions about the need to transform university organizational structures to adapt to changes in the economy and society. Models that include a mix of formal and informal institutional factors are proving to be effective in the context of digital transformation, allowing universities not only to prepare students for entrepreneurship but also to actively support innovative projects at all stages of their development. Therefore, the research has established that the successful functioning of an entrepreneurial uni- versity in the digital economy requires the integration of digital technologies into educational and management processes, the creation of appropriate institutional infrastructure and the development of entrepreneurial culture. These factors are the basis for creating a favorable environment for innovations and startups.