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The article examines the impact of the digital economy on contemporary industrial processes and environmentalsustainability. The relevance of digitization is discussed in the context of ensuring production efficiency and reducingthe use of natural resources. Within the framework of the scientific discourse, the four industrial revolutions areconsidered: the first (late 18th — early 19th century), associated with the transition from an agrarian economy to industrialproduction; the second (late 19th century — early 20th century), which facilitated the organization of mass production;the third (late 20th century — early 21st century), allowing the reduction of energy intensity in human life processes andthe automation of production; and the fourth (early 21st century — present), associated with the use of renewable energysources, global industrial networks, and digitization. The advantages and disadvantages of the digital economy arehighlighted, emphasizing the potential for resource conservation through the use of big data technologies. Digitalplatforms, such as internet applications and business models, are considered key components facilitating the transitionto the digital economy in the context of the fourth industrial revolution. The specificity of digital platforms is outlinedthrough their role in sustainable consumption and more efficient utilization of capacities, enabling the consumption ofmore with fewer products. The article analyzes how the storage and analysis of big data can contribute to resourceconservation, optimization of logistic business processes, and the reduction of energy consumption. Digital technologiesare presented as instruments for the modernization and management of "smart" products, ensuring more efficient resourceutilization and reducing the negative impact on the environment. Despite challenges such as technical limitations and data confidentiality issues, the article underscores that digital transformation is a key element in achieving sustainabledevelopment, promoting effective management, resource conservation, and the development of modern industrialprocesses.